Turn your new email subscribers into raving, Schitt’s Creek-level fans and paying clients.

You’ve Got Email:

The Welcome Sequence Mini-Course

 Grab It Now*

Turn your new email subscribers into raving, Schitt’s Creek-level fans and paying clients.

You’ve Got Email:
The Welcome Sequence Mini Course


Grab It Now

Picture This Scene:

A perfect-for-you client stumbles upon your Insta profile, hears you on a podcast interview, or gets your name from a trusted friend.

Intrigued, she clicks the link in your bio or heads to your website wanting to know more.

Your discount, checklist, newsletter, workbook, quiz, or other amazing incentive catches her attention. She types in her first name and email address and downloads the guide.



My question for you is, what happens next?

No, seriously …. what happens after that perfect-fit client types in their name and email address and downloads the lead magnet you spent HOURS creating? 

Do you:

  1. Never email them again

  2. Drop them right into your regular newsletter or current promo and hope they figure out what you’re all about ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ

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If you’re scratching your chin like a young Tom Hanks, you could be leaving money on the table. But even more important, you’re missing an opportunity to build a real connection with each person who joins your email list.

I’ve known too many entrepreneurs who spent a whole lot of time, money, and energy creating an amazing lead magnet or freebie, but barely put any thought into a follow-up strategy. 

Creating a welcome email sequence becomes an afterthought. But the stats clearly show that your welcome emails are your most opened emails.

In fact ...

  • Welcome emails have on average 4x the open rate and 5x the click-through rate of a standard email marketing campaign. (InboxArmy)

  • The average open rate for welcome emails is a whopping 50% which makes them 86% more effective than standard newsletters

  • A series of welcome emails yields up to 51% more revenue than a single email

If you don’t have a welcome sequence in place yet, believe me you are not alone. According to Active Campaign: 

41% of brands don’t send a welcome email within the first 48 hours

 27% sent zero emails in the first three weeks.

Fact: A person is most engaged with your brand when they first find out about you. 

It’s when they’re most likely to open your emails and binge your content. It’s like the honeymoon phase if you will.

 A well-crafted welcome sequence that runs on autopilot helps make sure each new person who joins your email list gets the Red Carpet treatment. 

Done correctly, emails can also open the door to one-on-one back and forth email exchanges that build relationships with the human on the other side of the screen. In today’s online business world, there is a lot of emphasis on automation and “One-to-Many” marketing .

The beauty of email is that it can be both.

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"After one conversation and really doing her homework, she found my voice and whipped up an email sequence that not only I was excited to read, but apparently so were my subscribers. A funny thing started happening. For the first time EVER, people were responding to those emails. My ideal clients were engaging with me. It still makes me giddy when I get those unexpected emails. I can honestly say, the way Erika crafted my email sequence has resulted in new clients. She turned me into a believer."

Rebecca Gruenspan

MSW, Founder and Chief Consultant, RG Adoption Consulting

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"This course is a life saver. Instead of staring at a blank screen wondering what to write, I now have a bunch of ideas for a welcome sequence. Not only does this course save me time, but I also write with more confidence. Instead of second guessing myself and my copy, I now believe I'm creating an exceptional experience for my new subscribers  Love the swipe scripts! I reference them all the time."

Alison Mclean

Founder Ignite UR Wellness

Imagine getting email replies from potential new clients each week as your list grows.

That’s exactly what my framework is designed to do: spark conversations that get you more leads, more sales, and more die-hard fans than the Duke of Hastings (OK, fine, it’s not that good but it’s close).

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Let me guess why you haven’t gotten around to writing your Welcome Sequence (yet):


  1. You have zero clue what to say. Do you tell your life story? Word vomit all your offerings? Link to every blog post or podcast you’ve ever published?

  2. You don’t have time. Oofff. I don’t know about you, but as a business owner and mom of two rascally rascals, I feel this one on my bones. Where will you find the time to sit down and write 7 emails?!

  3. Talking about yourself is so UGGHH. Every time you sit down to write, it sounds silly, cliche, or worse, braggy.

  4. You hate writing. Blank Google docs instantly make you want to go do the dishes, fold the laundry, get a root canal, or anything else that’ll help you avoid having to think about what to say.

And Write You A Welcome Sequence That Gets You More Clients.

Grab Your Salted Caramel Popcorn And Make A Date... 

Introducing the plug-and-play mini-course that’ll make your welcome email series more irresistible than a Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan rom-com:


A mini course designed to help you write a welcome sequence that sounds like you, starts conversations with your subscribers, and helps sell your services, products, or offers. Create it once, and let it work for you daily. By the end of this implementation-focused course, you’ll have 7 irresistible, personality-filled emails expertly crafted to turn your brand new email subscribers into raving, Schitt’s Creek-level fans.
 (And yes, YOU can write it. I’ll show you how.)


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What's Inside? 

Here's a sneak peek:

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Module 1: Plotting Out Your Email Sequence

By the end of this short ‘n sweet module, you’ll know exactly what you want your readers to do by the end of your sequence — and you’ll understand exactly what each email should cover. I’ll walk you through my Happily Ever After framework for writing a welcome sequence that people can’t wait to open, respond to, and take action on.

Inside this module you’ll learn:

  • The Happily Ever After framework that’ll have new subscribers hitting reply and ready to buy
  • Exactly how many emails to send and how far apart they’ll be
  • How to determine the right end goal for your welcome sequence (to sell or not to sell?)
  • The key stories you need to have nailed down before you start writing a word

Module 2: The 5-Star Effect: How To Make Your Emails Irresistible

By the end of this module, you’ll know how to format and write personality-packed email copy (even if you think you “suck” at writing) that gets opened, clicked, and read. You’ll have created your “Email Persona” and be ready to weave your brand voice and personality into every email.

Inide this module you’ll learn:

  • The Taboo Method for determining your Personality Pillars, so you can create recurring themes your readers will begin to associate you with  
  • The exact same “Personality Kit” questionnaire I use with my private clients, so you can infuse your personality into every single email and start conversations with your readers
  • 10 Proven Email “Rules” that’ll help make sure people are actually opening, reading, and taking action on your emails
  • 17 (fun) ways to inject more personality into any copy your write — choose just one or two per email and watch the replies start rolling in
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Module 3: Writing Your Emails

During this implementation-focused module, we’re kicking writer’s block to the curb. Using a combination of templates, prompts, and my personal welcome sequence swipe file, I’ll have you write emails that will have you saying, “Wow, I can’t believe I wrote that?” but most important, it’ll have your new email subscribers excited to be in your inbox and ready to work with you.  By the end of this module, you will have written your 7 emails. 

Inside this module you’ll find:

  • The Welcome Sequence Starter Kit, so you don’t have to start from scratch 
  • My Personal Welcome Sequence Swipe Vault, so you can borrow a few ideas, get inspired, and see how to apply what you learn in this mini course to your emails

PLUS, these special bonuses 

  • 63 Weekly Email Prompts, so you can keep the conversation going after your subscribers complete your welcome sequence

  • How To Create Your Brag Book (aka create killer testimonials), so you can write a high-converting Case Study email and add testimonials to your website and other marketing materials

  •  Live Zoom Q&A, where you can ask questions, get unstuck, and submit up to ONE email for review to make sure you’re on the right track. Date to be announced (this call will be recorded and added to your course portal, in case youu can't make it live).
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Get the mini course, PLUS my personalized feedback and edits on your completed welcome sequence (redeemable for 3 months after your date of purchase - why 3 months? Because I want to make sure you get a return on this investment, faster).


Ready for our official Meet Cute?

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Oh Hey! I’m Erika Holmes, copywriter, mom of two, Sour Patch Kid lover, and creator of You’ve Got Email.

Over the course of my career (which let’s just say began before Facebook was even a thing), I went from measuring women for bras at Victoria’s Secret to writing obituaries and crime reports for the 
Tampa Bay Times, to interviewing celebs like ESPN’s Erin Andrews and Steven Stamkos, to writing Mad Men-style copy and content for big brands like eBay, StubHub, Zazzle, Levi’s and Marriott.

Today, I help entrepreneurs and personal brands inject heart and humor into their email copy. My specialty: writing clear, personality-filled, human-to-human words that inspire the right people to know, love and trust you to the moon and back.

Truth be told, my own “automated” welcome sequence started out as this thing on my to-do list that all the marketers I follow told me I needed. So, when I launched my website, I wrote my first welcome sequence to “check off” one more thing on the to-do list.

But then when I started to see it in action, I was like …

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People were hitting reply and starting conversations with me. They were asking about different ways to work with me and sharing how much my emails made their day. This is not just a little nice-to-have automated email series I have in place.

This is a customer service tool, a sales tool, a way to get to know my email subscribers and help them get to know me better, on a personal level, through automation. 

That’s when I really started really paying attention to it, tweaking it, refining it, and developing the Happily Ever After Framework, which is what I teach inside You’ve Got Email.

I don’t know what the next great rom-com will be (honestly, the industry has had a bit of a dry spell lately), bt here is what I do know:

When you structure these emails correctly and choose the right stories to tell, you are opening the door for a two-way conversation and as a service provider or courser creator who’s still growing your audience, that truly is where the magic happens. 

I can’t wait for you to experience this kind of magic in your own business.


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“Erika wrote a welcome sequence for my high-performing quiz (that she also wrote), and it gets TONS of leads. But the welcome sequence is where it’s at!! What good is an amazing lead magnet with no instant love via emails? That's where Erika's famous wordsmithing comes in. The welcome sequence she wrote kills it. I get an incredible response rate from the first email and responses throughout the email sequence, it's the perfect warm-up and blend of value and personality”  

Paige Schulte 

-Creator of Master Your Marketing With Paige

You’ve Got Questions? I’ve Got Answers.


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Get the kit, PLUS my personalized feedback and edits on your completed welcome sequence (redeemable for 3 months after your date of purchase - why 3 months? Because I want to make sure you get a return on this investment, faster).

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